epic meal time - FINAL FANTASY XV
Concepted, produced, and guided Epic Meal Time through Japan as they created 10+ pieces of video content for FINAL FANTASY XV.
Behind the scenes video
hyperxgiving - dissidia final fantasy nt
Managed talent relations of top Fighting Game Community professional players for charity livestream HyperXGiving.
kingsglaive movie - red carpet premiere in nyc
Managed talent content for Aaron Paul and Square Enix execs at KINGSGLAIVE FINAL FANTASY XV red carpet theatrical premiere in NYC
Photos here.
Managed entire English voice cast for FINAL FANTASY XV and KINGSGLAIVE FFXV movie to film behind the scenes and process of voice recording.
Episode 3 here.
Multiplayer Comrades here.
Royal Edition here.
kingdom hearts iii - 13 reasons why cast
Managed select cast members of Netflix show “13 Reasons Why” to provide a VIP experience for KINGDOM HEARTS III during E3 2018
gaming influencers for twitchcon 2017 - final fantasy xv
Managed and coordinated gaming influencers MrHappy1227 and Yunalescka to play a livestream during TwitchCon 2017
rapper murs - final fantasy xv
Created and maintained an ongoing relationship with Rapper Murs who is a life long fan of FINAL FANTASY to promote FINAL FANTASY XV
kingdom hearts iii - premiere event
Managed over 50+ gamer and Disney lifestyle influencer invitations for a KINGDOM HEARTS III pre-launch event.
nier automata - fan gatherings
Production team member for NieR Automata fan gatherings for NieR Automata’s 1 year anniversary
PAX East event.
pax west fan gatherings - final fantasy xv
Managed and produced fan events with FFXV dev staff between 2015-2018 at PAX West to build stronger community ties.
abbey road concert - final fantasy xv
Aided in bringing talent and overall event production of a one-of-a-kind orchestra concert at Abbey Road Studios for FINAL FANTASY XV
Managed Trey Smith (Will Smith’s eldest son) in ensuring a positive experience with KINGDOM HEARTS III during E3 2018
facebook gaming - kingdom hearts iii
Facebook Gaming booth talent relations and content including gaming influencer Melonie Mac (100K twitter followers)
square enix members - membership sign up
Consistently interacted with fans at events at the Square Enix Members booth to increase CRM subscription rate
final fantasy xv - new legacies
Procured talent and filming session with celebrities Jo Garcia, Ken Levine, and Xavier Woods amongst many fans.